8 Reasons Why Math Is an Important Life Skill for Kids

By Megan - 11/13/2022

Math is much more than a subject in school, it’s a tool that helps us understand the world around us. As technology evolves, many people are spending less time working out equations manually in their minds. However, the patterns and relationships we learn from mathematics help us break down everything from the stock market to the weather.

Regardless of what the future holds, math is still a powerful skill that kids will implement for the rest of their lives. In this article, we will explore the benefits of early math education, including the 8 primary reasons math is such an essential life skill for kids. Whether you are a teacher or parent, this blog will be an interesting read!

Why is it important for kids to learn math?

A schoolboard is used by two kids to practice mathIt’s true that not everyone will grow up loving or being naturally skilled in mathematics. In fact, over 93% of adults in the United States experience some degree of math anxiety according to the National Library of Medicine. By incorporating math into children’s lives early on, you can help foster a positive relationship with the subject. The addition of fun math games can be a great way to turn intimidating equations into something engaging for young minds. Read on to hear about the 8 benefits of math and how it helps children in real life!

1. Supports a healthy brain

The Journal of Neuroscience performed a study on the influence of practicing math on children’s brains. Researchers found that the kids that regularly completed math activities had healthier brains. Kids that engage in math problems have shown increased activity in the regions of the brain that are associated with attention and focus.

When kids keep their skills activated, they can develop new neural pathways over time that expand their ability to problem-solve. Although it can be difficult to keep kids focused on math, practicing these skills can actually enhance their attention span and ability to focus on one task from start to finish.

2. Develops critical thinking skills

Math is an independent activity that encourages kids to take their time, solve problems, and analyze the quickest route to a solution. Kids begin to think outside of the box about difficult tasks, strengthening their critical thinking skills.

Since kids are naturally curious, math can be a great outlet for allowing them to discover systems, patterns, and numerical connections. These critical thinking skills that kids develop at a young age can help them succeed in other subjects and real-life events as they age.

3. Helps kids adapt to failure

The earlier kids learn how to cope with failure, the easier it will be for them to navigate the stressors of daily life. Math teaches the constructive skills necessary for kids to adapt to failure and learn how to move through it in a healthy way.

Many kids are hard on themselves when they get a math equation wrong. However, this is truly an opportunity to encourage them to try again and figure out how to turn their weakness into something positive.

4. Deepens their understanding of the world

As adults, we are accustomed to the many ways that mathematics shows up in our daily lives. For example, figuring out your ETA, restaurant tips, economics, insurance, investments and more all require a level of mathematics. The younger that kids are introduced and acclimated to math, the quicker they begin to build these subconscious skills that will carry them through life.

5. Builds self-confidence

A self-confident girl practicing math In front of a mirrorSelf-confidence is developed by overcoming obstacles and accomplishing difficult things. Every young kid needs a positive outlet to build self-confidence in their skills and intellectual strengths. Even if your child is not the best in their class, remind them that they only need to compare themselves to their own progress. Math helps foster these feelings of accomplishment, confidence, and resilience.

6. Teaches kids that intelligence is not fixed

Math is a subject that gets progressively harder as your kids grow up and there is always something new to learn. No matter what age you are, there is always more information to gather from the world around you. Math is a great introduction to teaching children about how intelligence is not fixed.

Instead of trying to master the subject, they can focus on building upon skills and enjoying the process. This awakens a growth mindset in kids at a younger age, helping them maintain forward momentum as adolescents.

7. Awakens their creativity

At first glance math might sound like the least creative subject, however, kids have to be innovative to problem-solve difficult equations. Kids are able to visualize objects, numbers, groups and combinations while practicing math. Introducing kids to the imaginative nature of math is a great way to stimulate their minds to be creative and adaptable.

8. Encourages consistent practice

As we grow up, we all learn that nothing in life comes without hard work and dedication. Whether you are an athlete, entrepreneur, or working professional, success comes from staying consistent even when times get tough.

Math shows kids how to consistently practice a set of skills until they reach the next level and eventually move on to something more difficult. This dedication can be applied to all other areas of their lives as they find new passions and interests.

The Takeaway

Math is so much more important than just getting a good grade on a test. It’s an essential life skill that will influence how your kids show up, perceive and interact with the world for the rest of their lives. The benefits we covered today are just the tip of the iceberg of everything that math has to offer!

Alongside these benefits, math is also fun! Cultivating positive energy around mathematics can ease school-related stress and allow your child or students to step into their true potential.